
she "gets" me!

... QUICK post tonight . . . I'm EXHAUSTED!  That's what I get for staying up too late on the weekend - and on a SUNDAY night! :) 

..."Lift up empty hands of faith to receive My precious presence. . . . " 
Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble i heart and you will find rest for your souls.  Matthew 11:28-29

Good words for this "stage" in my life and for tonight as I am tired . . . I WILL GIVE YOU REST . . . in mind and body - He will give me rest!

Quick story . . . tonight the phone rings and one of the girls bring it to me.  I ask the typical "Who is it?"  The answer is a shrug, "I don't know" . . . 
UGH, I don't like that kind of phone calls . . . oh, well, the phone is in my hand, better say hello!

Me:  Hello?
Caller: (I'm paraphrasing because we ended up talking well over 1/2 an hour!)
Hi, my name is so and so, I got your name from someone who you know.  I'm calling because I lost my husband over 5 years ago.  It was sudden.  It was an accident.  I was only 39 years old.  I had 3 children at home, 7th grade, 8th grade and a Senior. . . . 
Me: Um, WOW!


And the conversation went on from there.  She "gets" me!  She knows my brother in law - he is doing construction work where she is on the maintenance team . . . She "gets" me!  She lives only 20 miles from me.  She "gets" me! . . . 

Wow!  THAT was refreshing.  NOT the way I wish to meet new friends - because we share a common grief, but still, a new friend, and SHE GETS ME!

She's BEEN THERE!  GOD is GOOD!  HE gave her my name.  She listened to Him and called me!  We talked.  She shared things.  I told her "I thought I was the "only" one!" . . . I'm not, she has "been there"!  She "gets" me!

So, tonight, I go to sleep, reminded again that HE watches over me - EVERY SINGLE moment of EVERY SINGLE day!  Sending just who He sees fit, just when He sees fit!

Thanks, my new friend for the phone call.  For the encouragement.  For the assurance that I'm not alone.  That really, you do "get me"! And, thanks again, God, for loving me enough to keep on reminding me! ♥



  1. Wow! God is good in sending you this new friend! I'm so glad for you, Sheila!

  2. God will always have the right person, place or thing there for you, for he knows just what we need and when to meet our needs, he is awesome in his love towards us. I stand amazed in his presence and love, I've never known such comfort. God bess you with love and comfort, Bev.


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Wow ... I keep saying i need to get back to this, it is therapy for me, and then, life happens! God is good, all the time, and all the tim...