
"Rejoice in the day that I have made, for I am your steadfast Companion"

..... today, another Saturday.  Saturday seems to bring more reflection for me, what was I doing 3 weeks ago, RIGHT NOW?  The thought bounces around in my head throughout the day.  

Today dawned a bit dark and dreary, cloudy skies and slight rain drops.  The weatherman told me this yesterday, but WHY didn't I listen?  Today was the day we were going to get our CHRISTmas tree, we always get our tree Thanksgiving weekend, why didn't we make the time to go get it yesterday?  CHRISTmas will still come to us this year, we will just be finding a new normal in how we celebrate - different, to be sure, but still the BIRTH of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST - the REASON we have hope for the future!!  

Kajsa didn't care that it was drizzling outside, she still wanted to go and pick out our tree, so out she and I went!  She decided she didn't like our little walk so much when we stumbled upon the rib cage of what was most likely a deer, but she wondered WHAT had gotten to it??? . . . As we walked and she found the PERFECT tree, the rib cage was all but forgotten! :)  We draped the jump rope that we brought with as our "tree tag" over the branches with my promise that I'd come back later in the day and cut it down!  I went and found a saw in Dad's garage and returned shortly with tree in tow.  Tessa & Taya came out to the garage and both declared the tree "cute" and everyone was pleased with Kajsa's choice!  The tree is all lit up now and about 1/2 decorated ("Just Dance" with Addie took center stage, even over tree decorating!)

Tonight we celebrated Brad & Amelia's recent wedding with a party for them - it was nice to see so many people and "visit" just doing something "normal", though I have to admit, I was much more aware of everyone who came to the party as a "couple" - kind of a weird feeling - yet STILL I felt the strong arms of the LORD holding me close and letting me enjoy the evening of celebration for these two special young people!

The following is a portion of today's devotional  "This is the day that I have made!  ... walk with me along the high road of thanksgiving, and you will find all the delights I have made ready for you ... you live in a fallen world, where blessings and sorrows intermingle freely ... how precious are My children who remember to thank Me at all times ... they can walk through the darkest days with Joy in their hearts because they know that the Light of My Presence is still shining on them ... Rejoice in this day that I have made, for I am your steadfast Companion."

Ah, the reminders we are given!  Preparations for the CHRISTmas season, the laughter of children playing, the snuggling with a baby, the love of my 3 beautiful girls AND my 2 awesome step-kids & their spouses & children (my grandbabies!), the chats with friends, the family get-togethers . . . and so many more, ALL day long, reminders that God is always there, always watching over us, always protecting us, and longing for us to remember to come to Him, rest in Him, trust in Him, even when it doesn't make sense, He is still there, giving us rest, protecting us, longing for us, waiting for us to hear His still small voice whispering Peace Be Still!

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